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Microsoft Windows Help File Content  |  1996-05-01  |  1KB  |  44 lines

  1. :Base foldcat.hlp>sub1
  2. :Title Folder Catalogue
  3. 1 Introduction
  4. 2 Folder Catalogue=ID_Description>Main
  5. 2 Disclaimer=ID_Disclaimer
  6. 2 Registration=ID_Registration>main
  7. 2 License Agreement=ID_LicenseAgreement
  8. 1 Using Folder Catalogue
  9. 2 Startup=ID_Startup>Main
  10. 2 Operations
  11. 3 Selecting a Folder=ID_SelectFolder>sub1
  12. 3 Selecting File Types=ID_SelectFileType>sub1
  13. 3 Selecting File Attributes=ID_SelectFileAttributes>sub1
  14. 3 Previewing a Folder Catalogue=ID_Preview>sub1
  15. 3 Printing a Folder Catalogue=ID_Print>Sub1
  16. 3 Saving a Catalogue to File=ID_Save>sub1
  17. 3 Copying to Clipboard=ID_Copy>sub1
  18. 3 Selecting Individual Files=ID_SelectFiles>sub1
  19. 3 Selecting a Group of Files=ID_SelectFileGroup>sub1
  20. 2 Application Menus
  21. 3 Menus=ID_Menu>main
  22. 3 File
  23. 4 Preview=ID_FilePreview>sub1
  24. 4 Save=ID_FileSave>sub1
  25. 4 Page Setup=ID_FilePageSetup>sub1
  26. 4 Print=ID_FilePrint>sub1
  27. 3 Edit
  28. 4 Copy=ID_EditCopy>sub1
  29. 4 Select All=ID_EditSelectAll>sub1
  30. 3 Help
  31. 4 Help=ID_HelpHelp>sub1
  32. 4 About=ID_HelpAbout>sub1
  33. 2 Aoolication Toolbar
  34. 3 Toolbar=ID_Toolbar>Main
  35. 3 Tools
  36. 4 Preview=ID_FilePreview>sub1
  37. 4 Copy=ID_EditCopy>sub1
  38. 4 Page Setup=ID_FilePageSetup>sub1
  39. 4 Print=ID_FilePrint>sub1
  40. 4 Save=ID_FileSave>sub1
  41. 4 Help=ID_HelpHelp>sub1
  42. 1 G.N. & J.L. Kerkin
  43. 2 G.N. & J.L. Kerkin=ID_Kerkin